26 MARCH 1881, page 14


TO C HAU C ER. L'' Than love I most thins flouriis whit() and rods, Such as man canon daysyos in her toun."1 • SWEET singer of the dawn, Who iu the voiceless stillness, when the......

" Larry Lohengrin."

[TO THE EDITOR Or THE SPEOTATOE,") SIR,—While acknowledging the substantial justice of the stric- tures on my novel, " Larry Lohengrin," contained in the Spec- tator of March......

George Wilson's Case,

[TD THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."' I It beg to acknowledge on behalf of George Wilson, the pit - lad, with grateful thanks the subscriptions received from your readers; and I......


A VERMONT RUSKIN,* Lana is a little exhibition of pictures now being held at No. 11 Grafton Street which should not be allowed to pass away wholly unnoticed. It represents a......