The University of Durham has been memorialised to admit women
to their scholarships and degrees, on the Fame terms and with the same privileges as men, and there is some hope that the Senate will grant the prayer of the memorial. The lectures and the exhibitions of the College of Science at Durham are already open to both sexes on equal terms, and there seems no reason why what has been granted iu the Col- lege of Science, should be denied in the faculty of Arts or in relation to Degrees. The example of the London University and of Cambridge is sure to have a tonic effect on the spirit of the Durham Liberals, but iu order to strengthen their hands, it is important that as many influential memorials as possible should be in the hands of the Dean of Durham, who is Warden of the University, befor the 29th of this month. The character of Durham University for Conservatism will probably make it rather a favourite place of study for the daughters of Con- servative parents in the North of England, should the Senate, as we venture to anticipate, throw open the University honours and degrees to women.