A new secret society calling itself that of "the Boxers"
is giving trouble in China. Its central purpose is anti-foreign, and its method is to raise riots, during which foreigners are threatened and Christian converts murdered wholesale. The society has even raised riots in Pekin, and the Ambassa- dors were obliged to intimate to the Empress-Regent that if she could not suppress the manifestations they must for the second time bring up soldiers or sailors to protect the Embassies and Consulates. The Empress thereupon issued strict orders against "the Boxers," which have been obeyed, but the society is evidently large and formidable. How far it is supported by politicians is doubtful, and if it springs from the mob its popularity can hardly be matter of surprise. If ever the pride of an ancient people was excoriated, that of China has been flayed. The insults have been endless, and though they may have been unavoidable, a semi-civilised people can hardly be expected to approve them. That is no justification for the murders, which must be punished, even if punishment can be secured only by further pressure, but it explains why they happen.