[to The Editor Op The "spectator.")
Sin,—I am fully in accord with Earl Cowper's sensible letter in your issue of May 19th, and with your remark thereon that Volunteer corps are more useful to the nation than......
(to The Editor Of The "spectator.")
Ste,—I cannot help thinking that the advocates of rifle clubs are making a great mistake in suggesting that there should be a close connection with the Army or Volunteer Force.......
[to The Editor Op The "spectator.") Sre,—i Read Lord...
letter in the Spectator of May 19th with much interest, and with equal interest your reply thereto, in which I notice, with satisfaction, that you. stick to your guns re the......
[to The Editor Of The "spectator."'
SIR,—Some months ago I wrote thanking you for the support you were giving to the rifle-club movement. I pointed out then that I (in common with nearly all men engaged in retail......
The Prince Of Wales's Opportunity.
[To THE EDITOR OF TIIF. "SPECTATOR.") Sin,—Permit me, as a regimental officer, to wish you every success in your endeavour to bring about the Rowton system of housing for our......
[to The Editor Of The "spectator."] Sra,—your...
in the Spectator of May 19th, writes :—" It is a mistake to set up a new shooting body. Why not make him aVohmteer outright? If he is eventually to fight, drill him now." But......