(to The Editor Op The "spectator."]
SIa,—Your appreciative notice of the reprints from the East Anglian Daily News of the letters on the Victoria League and rifle-shooting in the Spectator of May 19this very......
(to The Editor Of Tel "spectator?]
Sin,—The issues involved in the above question are too grave, too manifold, and too varied in all their aspects to allow of an equitable and just settlement being arrived at......
Rifle Clubs.
[To THE EDITOR Or THE "SPECTATOR:) would, with your permission, supplement my letter in the Spectator of May 19th with one or two words which are suggested by your comment. I am......
[to The Editor Of The "spectator."] Sra,—your...
in the Spectator of May 19th, writes :—" It is a mistake to set up a new shooting body. Why not make him aVohmteer outright? If he is eventually to fight, drill him now." But......