Mr. Charles Fox. (what a name for a Tory !)
a nephew of Lord Farnham, is to be the Tory candidate for Longford.
Mr. Samuel Barrington, brother of the Crown solicitor for Mun- ster, is mentioned as likely to receive the appointment of Accountant- General of the Court of Chancery.
By the death of Mr. Traill Hall, which occurred on Tuesda7, the Chairmanship of Cavan has become vacant. Air. Hall was a strong Tory : we shall see what his successor will be.
Lord 3lalgrave has been pleased to appoint Mr. Edmund M'Sweeny of Been, near Keninare (nephew of Mr. O'Connell), to the situation of Chief Constable of Police.—Dablin Evening Mail.
The clergy of the Diocese of Derry and Raphoe are endeavouring to come to some arrangement with tile National Board of Education.
Mr. Boyton is doing all he can to promote an accommodation—very much to the annoyance of the Orangemen, and the honest, impractica- ble Tories.
Mr. Nolan, one of the converted Irish priests, whose preaching in Tuam produced rioting and disorder, has been prohibited from preach-
ing in Dublin, by Archbishop Whateley. This proceeding of the Arch- bishop has enraged tile Orangemen, and the Times and Standard en- deavour to convert it into a high crime and misdemeanour ; but De. Whateley seems to have exercised a sound discretion in keeping incen- diary parsons out of his diocese. This Nolan was brought up at May. nooth, where he was refused admission to holy orders : afterwards he prevailed on a Catholic Bishop to ordain him ; subsequently he was suspended; and then all at once Mr. Nolan became sensible of the "errors of Popery," and was converted to Protestantism. He is repre- sented as a violent and abusive person—a fit colleague of the " trum. pery " Crotty, Croly, and Co.