26 NOVEMBER 1836, page 9

It Is Reported In Theciti This Morning That Anothr R

bank in the North of England has stopped payment ; but the City waxim, in times like the present, is to believe nothing but the Gazette. The failure, ho ever, of the eminent......

The Globe Has Had A Peep Into What Is Going

on at head-quarters-- tate the following passage in a leading article of that journal this evening. " Some of the questions on which Reformers differ, perhaps hardly admit of a......

The Orange. Tories Have Got Into A Sad Scrape About

Archbishop WHATELEY and their neophyte, NOLAN. It was positively asserted, that NOLAN was the Archbishop of ARMAGH'S curate, and that he was " inhibited " from preaching in......

The Chronicle This Morning Publishes A Letter From "an...

of Dundee," contradicting a statement of the Times, that Sir Henry Parnell owed his election to the influence of Lord Panmure. It was perhaps scarcely worth while to notice this......

It Is Rumoured In Paris, That Bernadotte Is Very Ill,

and that in- trigues are on foot among the Swedish nobles to set aside his son OSCARR, nd restore Legitimacy, in the person of Prince VASA ; to whose claims Russia is......

The Banking-house Of Messrs. Connell, Established In Dm,...

lisle, has stopped payment. Its liabilities are very limited, and the stoppage is therefore of little importance.—Courier. We announced in our last the intention of the Glasgow......

The General Association Of Ireland Assembled Again On...

and within forty hours after the breaking up of the meet- in", the darning Advertiser presents us in London with a report of their proceedings, occupying three columns and a......

By An Arrival At Falmouth From The Mediterranean, We Learn

that GOMEZ and CABRERA were within eight miles of Malaga, which they would certainly pillage. The steam-boats plying between Cadiz and Seville were stopped. Gosisz, it was......

Postscript • Saturday Night. It Appears From The Paris...

and letters of Thursday, that Bil- boa still holds Out; although Count D'APPONY, the Austrian Ambas- sador, had despatched a special messenger to Vienna with the joyful......

The Letter Of An Elector Of East Cornwall And A

REFORMER . ' was received this morning, only as our pages were being closed. We entirely agree with the writer in his object, which Is UNION : the first of our Topics this week......

The King Will Bold A Privy Council At Brighton, On

Thursday; when it is expected that the day for the reassembling of Parliament will be fixed upon. Lord BROUGHAM attended a meeting of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council......

East India Shipping.

Arrived—At Gravesend, Nov. 19th. Childrens, Durochier, from Bengal ; 20th, Tho- mas Snook, Baker ; and Palliot, Dunn, from the ('ape; 93.1, Andromache, Andrews, from Bombay • At......