26 NOVEMBER 1836, page 2

Ir Be Court.

THE King and Queen appear to be living in a very retired manner at Brighton. They ride out occasionally, but :see little company. Among the few who have have the honour of......

The Necessity Of Remodelling The French Army Occupies The...

tention of Louis PHILIP. SOUL? IS in communication with the King; and so are THIERS and GERARP; Of course.their consul- tations have given rise to rumours of Ministerial......

We Have Had No News From Portugal This Week, Except

a report in the Paris Courrier Francais, said to have been received by the telegraph, that Lord HOWARD DE WALDEN and VAN DER WEYER had been forced to quit Lisbon in consequence......

Trbc Gittroptats.

A Court of Aldermen was assembled on Tuesday—the first since the election of the new Lord Mayor. Lord Mayor Kelly expressed a hope that he should be supported by his brother......

The Members Of The Finsbury Conservative Association Had...

on Thursday, to receive the annual report of the Committee. The only point worth noticing in that document refers to the recent registration. The Commitee state, that "They......

A Montreal Correspondent Of The Times Gives, In The...

letter, what that journal calls an "interesting view of the present State of affairs in the Canadas." "MONTREAL, Oct. 12, I836.—We are at length going on quite quietly in Upper......

The Intelligence From Spain Is Of The Same Dark Complexion

ail we have been now for some time in the habit of receiving. RODIL and ALA1X, having proved themselves unable or unwilling; to cope with the few soldiers and the numerous band......

The Dutch Government Has Admitted Its Inability To...

pecuniary engagements regularly. The difficulty of its situ- ation, and the existing embarrassment in the Money-market generally, are alleged - as . extuses for the defalcation.......