[To in Banos OP THE “SPPOPAT082]
Sta,—Being an old subscriber to your admirable paper, I venture to enclose this quotation from Mr. Lowell'e book," Democracy," &c. The thoughts so entirely coincide with your views in your excellent criticism on " Marzio's Crucifix " that you will see what a compliment you have justly paid to the author. I thought your criticism admirable, and when reading Mr. Lowell's words, they seemed to me to entirely embody your meaning :—
" I believe that in all really great imaginative work we are aware, as in Natnre, of something far more deeply interfused with our consciousness, underlying the obvious and familiar, as the living spirit of them, and accessible only to a heightened sense and a more passionate sympathy. He reads moat wisely who thinks everything into a book that it is capable of holding, and it is the stamp and token of a great book so to incorporate itself with oar own being, so to quicken our insight: and stimulate our thought, as to make us feel as if we help to create it while we read."—Damocracy, and other Addresses, by J. R. Lowell,—" Don gaixote." (p. 169.) May I be allowed to express to you our sincere gratitude as Unionists, for the very valuable articles that you have con- tributed to the cause of order, and that you have so fairly and consistently entered your protest against the rule of mob-law, and the dismemberment of the Empire P All those who, like your- self, take their proper stand at this most important juncture of the history of our country, must earn the gratitude of their fellow-