Hagar. By Mary Linskill. (james Clarke And Co.)—amongst...
of new books that flood our tables at this time of year, it is very pleasant to come, sometimes, upon an old friend in a new form, such as Miss Linskill's Hagar. It appeared as......
Mesas. Eyre And Spottiswoode Send Us Specimens Of Their Very
beautiful Christmas and New Tear's Cards. Not only are their landscapes—printed in oolours—very taking and delicately rendered, but their figures are better than those of the......
The Realistic Teaching Of Geography. By William Jolly....
Son.)—This little book is the expansion of a lecture delivered under the auspices of the Scottish Geographical Society. It gives some valuable instructions to teachers, and......
Messrs. L. Prang And Co. (boston, Massachusetts, Whose...
is Arthur Ackerman, 191 Regent Street) have sent us a packet of Christmas Cards, printed in colours, of all sizes, from a very large one (folio size), to the ordinary small......
Schools, School - Books, And Schoolmasters. By W. Carew...
Tarvia.)—Mr. Hazlitt has evidently a favourite speciality in school-books. He has collected them, we should judge, with a good deal of zeal, and has acquired a really......
Sketch Of Geological History. By E. Hull. (c. W. Deacon
and Co.)—There can be no question, indeed, as to the important plane which geology as a science has gained in education. In the volume before ns, the writer has aimed at the......
The (edipus Tyrannus Of Sophocles. Rendered Into English...
Sir George Young. (Deighton and Bell.)—This translation has anyhow the merit of being thoroughly readable ; and that this is a great merit in any play, mach.more in one that is......