26 NOVEMBER 1887, Page 25

The (Edipus Tyrannus of Sophocles. Rendered into English Verse by

Sir George Young. (Deighton and Bell.)—This translation has anyhow the merit of being thoroughly readable ; and that this is a great merit in any play, mach.more in one that is translated, no one can doubt. The dramatic verse is, to oar mind, much superior to the lyric. The former has certainly a trait of the Shakespearian spirit, the latter seems to us heavy and unmusical. Here is Sir George Young's rendering of the famous R wxsire sal vipaosi sal viguni

0 riches and dominion, and the craft That excels craft, and makes life enviable, How vast the grudge that is nursed up for you, When for this sovereigcty, which the State Committed to my hands. unsought-for, free, Creon, the trusty, the familiar friend. With secret mines covets to oust me from it, And has suborned a soroorer She this, An engine botching, crafty, coming knave, Who has no eyes to see with, but for gain, And was born blind in the art ! Whv tell me now, Bow stand your claims to prescience? How came it When the oracular monster was alive, You said uo word to set rho people free f

At d yet it was not for the first that came To solve hor riddle; sooth was needed then, Which you could not afford; neither from birds Nor any inspiration; till I came,

The unlettered CEdipus, and ended her By sleight of wit, untaught of augury."