Hagar. By Mary Linskill. (james Clarke And Co.)—amongst...
of new books that flood our tables at this time of year, it is very pleasant to come, sometimes, upon an old friend in a new form, such as Miss Linskill's Hagar. It appeared as......
Madame's Grand-daughter. By F. Il Peard....
Miss Peard's charming novels will welcome this last addition to the number, and not be disappointed with it. She takes her readers again to the sonny South, where she herself,......
An Old French Love-story.• It Is A Welcome Thing To
encounter a writer with so considerable a gift for original verse condescending to exercise his talent in a field generally worked by literary hacks or authors whose entire lack......
Current Literature.
GIFT-BOOKS. Margery Merton's Girlhood. By Alice Corkran. (Blackie and Son.)—The high reputation that the author of "Adventures of Mrs Wishing-To-Be" has acquired as a judicious......
Sybil's Dutch Dolls. By F. S. Janet Berne. (field And
Tuer.).— The first chapter of this little story promises well, butin the second we are woefully disappointed. Sybil, the only child of rich parents, spends, in the first......