26 NOVEMBER 1887, Page 25

Sketch of Geological History. By E. Hull. (C. W. Deacon

and Co.)—There can be no question, indeed, as to the important plane which geology as a science has gained in education. In the volume before ns, the writer has aimed at the production of a sketch which, while on a small scale, shall contain the various epochs and their noteworthy fossils, and at the same time enable a student to apprehend that most suggestive and interesting subject, —contemporary history of geologic change. What can be more striking than the history of the Coal Period, or the beneficent pro. vision which enables us to reach so easily stores of fuel in centres of great population, a fact due to the simultaneous deposition of carboniferone plants 7 The sketch is written in a clear, forcible style, and its convenient size should render it popular.