26 NOVEMBER 1887, Page 2

A remarkable story is in circulation in Germany and Austria.

It is stated that during the interview on the 18th inst. between the Czar and Prince Bismarck, the Czar referred to the Prince's underhand intrigues in Bulgaria. The German Chancellor asked to what his Majesty had referred, and was told that letters had been laid before the Czar, signed by Prince Bismarck, which sufficiently showed his hostility to Russia. Prince Bismarck at once declared that these letters were forgeries, manufactured by Orleanist intriguers in order to produce enmity between Russia and Germany. He so far convinced the Czar, that at the banquet given in the evening, the latter pointedly toasted the Chancellor, in sign that, as far as he was personally concerned, amicable relations were restored. No one can have invented that story, and as it has appeared in the Cologne Gazette and the Pesther Lloyd at one and the same time, the chances are that it is official ; but what does it exactly mean P It is likely enough that a secluded despot, shut up in Gatschina, has been for a moment befouled by forged secret letters; but then, who forged them P The Prince evidently believes the crime was due to persons round Prince Ferdinand, whom, it must be remembered, he denounced months since as an Orleanist agent. Is it not, however, at least as likely that leading Panslavists desired to force the Emperor's hand?