- DE BEERS. - _ -
As usual, the Report and Balanee:sheet of the De Beers Consolidated Mines shows a strong position. A year ago £450,000 was placed to the Dividend Reserve Fund and in the present balance-sheet the Reserve Investments, apart from Blue Ground on Floors stand at £3,979,000 against £3,560,000, while Special Investments stand at £2,133,000 against 11,868,000. The actual revenue from diamond sales ditriag the year was £4,314,000 against £4,194,000, while revenue from other sources totalled £693,000 against £723,000, the reduction being chiefly due to smaller profits from sales of securities. -The dividend on the Deferred shares at 30s. is the same as for the previous year.
A. W. K.