There Are Many Pitfalls For The Writer Of " Verses
for children," but Mr. Humbert Wolfe in his Cursory Rhymes (Benn, 6s.) has neatly avoided them all and managed— surprisingly, when one considers the difficulties of a......
Truth Christmas Number (1s. 6d.) Is Devised As A Farcical
broadcast programme this year, and contains the usual parodies and skits, very cleverly done. * * * *......
Inexhaustible Are The Anecdotal And Historical Riches Of...
inexhaustible the store of books which they Inexhaustible are the anecdotal and historical riches of London, and inexhaustible the store of books which they provoke. Mr.......
Some Books Of The Week
IT was by a happy chance that we learned of a remarkable novel written by an unknown Irish girl. So unusual and so refreshing is it to acclaim a new writer of genius, that we......
The New Monthly Journal Of The Air League Of The
British Empire, Air, is a good shillingsworth with some excellent - articles by experts and a cartoon by Sir Bernard Partridge, reproduced from Pam*, with whose sentiment all......
A New Competition We Have Pleasure In Announcing A New
and somewhat difficult competition for those of our readers who have a literary turn of mind. The Editor offers a prize of twenty guineas for the best short story describing......
The New Christmas Number Of The Graphic (2s.) Is Largely
about crinolines and the days when Dickens wrote and when Sir Luke Fildes and W. S. Gilbert were contributing to the Graphic. There is a thriller by Mr. Edgar Wallace, however,......
The Daily Mail Year Book For 1928 Is Interesting As
usual. An amusing feature is the offer of £100 as prize for the best answers received to twenty questions, whose solution may be discovered in the pages of the Year Book. The......
Non-fiction:—bismarck, By Emil Ludwig ; Disraeli, A...
Victorian Age, by Andre Maurois ; The Star of Piccadilly, by Lewis MelVille Prdpei Studies, by Aldous Huxley ; Raiputin, by Prince YoussoupOff ; Sir Arthur Sullivan, His Life,......
" Try To Know All Sorts Of People . .
. know as many cliques as you will—or can—but swear the oath of allegiance to none of them." Such, Sir Anthony Hope Hawkins tells us in his Memories and Notes (Hutchinson, 7s.......
In The Library List Last Week The Letters Of A
Loyalist Lady (Oxford University Press, 16s.) should have been as now described.......