Country Life
Tim work of advancing village industries in Britain is pro- ceeding with a scientific thoroughness of which all countrymen ought to be aware ; and some very interesting things......
An Interesting Reply To A Query About The Migration And
flight of the corncrake comes from an Irish correspondent, General Higginson. He writes : " Many years ago I was partridge shooting in Co. Kildare, on one of the foothills up......
A Dog's Vocabulary.
Most of us who own dogs make some attempt to discover how many words, if any, our favourites understand. An American spaniel-lover, with whom I have enjoyed some correspondence,......
This Truth Was Triumphantly Proved In The Sphere Of Weaving
in a charming Wiltshire village near Salisbury, largely through the talent of Miss Lovibond (Mrs. Bashford) whose methods ought to be known to the members of the Rural......
Doubtless Dogs Are Much Readier To Respond To Tone And
gesture than to vocables. Possibly the Chows understand Chinese better than spaniels English, for Chinese is a tonic language ! The most Obedient of our dogs to sound are the......
Remitted Titre.
Correspondents who inquire about the paying, or rather, the evasion of tithe, discussed in this place last week, will find full information in a pamphlet (No. 27) issued by the......
How Many And Various : And How Highly Skilled Village Arts
and crafts exist, and even in a small way flourish, the most thoroughgoing countryman is hardly aware. But it is all down in black and white in four volumes published at......