Stu,—Very well, I apologise. Mr. Williams does not advocate Socialism "by force" in so many words in his book, The Triple Challenge, even if it is implied. I note that he graciously allows that my opinions are my own affair.
But, Sir, in the House of Commons during the debate on the Iron and Steel Bill, Sir S. Cripps, one of Mr. Williams's idols in the Socialist hierarchy, threatened that, if the Socialists do not get their way, "the ugly alternative would then be that any such change which is to occur must be brought about by other more violent means." If words have any meaning (as Mr. Williams would say), that means by "physical force," Surely Mr. Williams agrees with Sir S. Cripps? It is all very difficult.
Will he please explain?—Yours faithfully, E. C. R. HUDSON. Hope House, 48 Clarendon Street, Bedford.