26 NOVEMBER 1948, page 24
A Lack Of Balance
The Equilibriad. By William Sansom. Illustrated by Lucian Freud. (Hogarth Press. £1 Is.) MR. SANSOM'S hero Paul suffers from disequilibrium, which he enjoys and encourages......
Such Delicate Goods . . .
Perseus in the Wind. By Freya Stark. (John Murray. 12s. 6d.) FOURTEEN years ago Freya Stark wrote a book called The Valleys of the Assassins, which seemed to me then and still......
Russell On Science
Human Knowledge : Its Scope and Limits. By Bertrand Russell. (Allen and Unwin.. 18s.) Human Knowledge : Its Scope and Limits. By Bertrand Russell. (Allen and Unwin.. 18s.) FOR......