26 NOVEMBER 1948, page 26
A Civilised Man
'Comments-1945-1948. By Harold Nicolson. (Constable. 8s. 6d.) DARE I confess, in these columns that when my Spectator comes, I turn, each week, first to Margin al Comment ? I do......
Couple Or Congeries? -
The Cowden Clarkes. By Richard Altick. - (Oxford University Press. 18s.) COWDEN CLARICE is known to lovers of Keats as the schoolmaster who initiated him into the mystery of......
A Lack Of Balance
The Equilibriad. By William Sansom. Illustrated by Lucian Freud. (Hogarth Press. £1 Is.) MR. SANSOM'S hero Paul suffers from disequilibrium, which he enjoys and encourages......