Book Token for one guinea will be awarded to the sender of the firs: correct solution of this week's crossword to be opened after noon on Tuesday week December 7th. Envelopes must be received not later than first post that day and must bear the word "Crossword," the NUMBER of the puzzle and a 21d. stamp. Solutions must be on the form below, and none can be accepted from the U.S.A. The solution and the name of the winner will be published in the following issue.]
1. Here Mr. Churchill is well map. (5.)
4. How to get blood out of a (9-) 9. Where, in two senses, a master mariner spends much time. (9.) 10. Unburnt battle. (5.) 11. A rice plant. (5.) 12. Not the cuff-fastening one would expect to buy in pairs. (9.) 13. Opportunities for the escapist. (7.) 16. Drank out of most of it. (7.) /9. A slip of the pen perhaps. (7.) 20. A necklace for a Briton. (7.) 21. Artisan liable to go to the wall. (9.) 24. One of the old Reds. (5-) 26. One who fell on evil times and went to the bad ? (5.) 27. Walkers on this have little hope of overtaking. (5, 4.) 28. These are put over windows largely on account of the simple truth they state. (9.) 29. " I shall never be friends again with (Swinburne). (5.)
I. She becomes no cheaper. (9.) 2. Indispensable to Tony Weller. (5.) 3. 'Let but the commons hear this -, which, pardon me, I do not mean to read " (Shakespeare). (9.) 4. Second half of 9. (5.) 5. I also turn from this. (9.) 6. Jack is always cold. (5.) 7. Obscure in the eighth trick ? (9.) Stone? on the 8. "The - I do not scorn To death because they never lived" (Brown- ing). (5.) 14. Jacket for use as a shroud. (9.) 15. He didn't use the by-pass. (9.) 17. Vain argot (anag.). .(9.) 18. One of these was enough for Hall Caine. (9.) 21. Pastry advertisements possibly. (5.) 22. Twenty hundredweight but not quite all. (5.) 23. " Fear no more the heat of the sun, Nor the furious winter's -" (Shakespeare). (5.) 25. Reversed reel. (5.)