26 OCTOBER 1918, Page 14



Sts, I shall be glad if you will be good enough to publish this letter in your next issue on behalf of the' Star and Garter ' Musical Fund. The hospital is entirely occupied by men who have been shot through the spine, and although the upper portion of their bodies ie normal, they are more or leas paralysed below the waist. It is of the uttermost importance that these unfortunate fellows should have something to brighten their lives, and it was suggested that they should be provided with musical instruments. Some of the patients were given violins and banjos, and instructors were found for each instrument. The enthusiasm shown by the meu wee splendid, and the result has been very beneficial to their health. The success met with has made us determined to attempt to start a full orchestra. To do this funds and instruments are urgently needed. Will you help to make life brighter for one of these men by helping to provide an instrument, or have you any instrument you can spare P I might mention that this scheme ie being worked through the "Comrades of the Great War ".Associa- tion, on whose behalf I am acting.—I am, Sir, Lo.,

F. Ds B. Yoram, Colonel.

Ely House, 13 Charterhouse Street, Holborn Circus, B.0.1.