The Woman's Senior War Service. [to The Editor Of The
" SPECTATOR."] SIR,—I feel sure it will be of interest to all who have followed the letters in the Spectator dealing with the subject of "The Woman's Senior War Service" to......
Some Metaphysical Limericks.
[To THE EDITOR or THE " SPECTATOR."] have been making a collection of metaphysical Limericks on the lines of one which appeared in the Spectator not long ago. Those of your......
[to The Editor Of The " Spectator."]
Sus,—Aa an old V.A.D. member, who has nursed since May, 1913, I should like to state what I think are a few of the reasons for the depletion of the V.A.D. ranks, which more or......
(to The Editor Of The " Spectator.")
Sia,—As a V.A.D., may I say that the letter of " A V.A.D." in your issue of Ootober 12th, and that of " Pre-War V.A.D." in your lame of October 19th, go more surely than others......