The Inadequacy Of Officers' Widows' Pensions. [to The...
THE " SPECUTOR."3 SIB,—It is unfortunate that the writer of the letter with the above title (whom I imagine to be of the feminine sex) did not take the trouble to verify her......
Loyalty Loans.
(To raz Enrroa or rirs " SPECTATOR.") Sue—Haydn's Dictionary of Dates under the above heading states that "a subscription loan was opened in London on the 5th December, 1790,......
The Star And Garter' Musical Fund. [to The Editor Of
THE " SPECTATOR.") Sts, I shall be glad if you will be good enough to publish this letter in your next issue on behalf of the' Star and Garter ' Musical Fund. The hospital is......
The Society Of Genealogists Of London.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—Many find it necessary to obtain an hour or two's respite now and then from the preoccupations of the war, and few need it more than......
[to The Editor Or The " Spectator.") Sne—re The Letter
in the Spectator of October 19th, "The Inade- quacy of Officers' Widows' Pensions," officers of the Army and Navy should be encouraged to insure with (Government approved)......
Germans And Black Maces.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] Sut,—Your paper is so widely read by persons of all classes that venture to hope you will find room in your columns for the fol- lowing......
America And The War.
[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR."] Sin,—In behalf of many of my brother-Olergymen I thank the Spectator for its encouragement from the first of the steadfast belief that the......