ENGLAND is a shopkeeping nation; and the great question of the week—the question on which the greatest ninouot of " leading article," in Conservative journals, has been expended—is, whether one who aspires to fill the civic chair of London, and to whom no objection otherwise exists, is unfitted for the Mayoralty by the bad quality of the wares he vends. Certain Liverymen of the City have signed a declaration of their intention to oppose Alderman HAit- NEB'S election as Lord Mayor, on the sole ground of his " well- known and publicly-admitted connexion with the neWspaper called the ll'eskly Dispatch." They expressly guard themselves from being supposed to bring any charge against the Aldermen's private cha- racter, or to reflect on the discharge of his public duties; " still less would they rest their Opposition on any consideration of his political views or connexions, all reference to which in the present ipiseeinu they hold to be utterly inadmissible." The Aldermsn's news- paper alone, that " public nuisance of the most fearfid kind," is the great cause of offence. The proprietorship of a paper which "opposes all government and all religion—which insnite the Sove- reign, and openly counsels anarchy and confusion "—eonstit utes, in their opinion, an " utter and unquestiena'ila disnitalideation." The written manifesto to this effect has received numerous sig- natures. This aspect of afThirs looks threatcoim; for the principle of rot ttion, on which the worthy Alderman, and all who may come after him, rely thr election: he has then f :re thought fit to publish a counter-declaration of his political principles and reli- gious creed. It would appear from this document, that Alderman HARMER is, after all, a sound Tory at heart ; and that the Re- publican doctrines propounded in his paper are merely " opinions Set forth for free discussion." For instance, we now know that he is, and ever has been, " a warm friend of the Established Church also "a friend to the .Ifhrone, to the Constitution, to the laws insl io- stitutions of the country." Moreover, we find that he i3 a sup- porter of the old Corporation system ; for he expresses regset at the "successful inroads which have been made on the civic corpo- rate rights ()four country." Some of the good citizens are puzzled to understand how so excellent a Tory can be the proprietor of a newspaper in which Tories, Whigs, Kings, Government, and Reli- gion, are so rooghly handled. They seem to ferasst, that one kind of ware may be offered for sale, and a very din'esent quility be kept for private use. We offer no justification of sueh a principle; but it is the way of trade, if not of fhir dealing. Assuming that the Alderman thinks the goods he recommends ami sslls aro bail, such conduct is unquestionably wrong, but it is at the same time too unquestionably common to be matter or wonder. The prin- ciple of maintaining- any cause or opinion, if paid ihr, is held snered ut Westminster Hall : it is sanctioned and holourett by the pre- cept and example o'•' the highest authorities-01'nm at the cspense of the greatest individual injustice: why, then, should it not be practised by the press?
The I trithsh Association for the Ativaneenient of Seienee has, The prepx:el.ofis Of 1.'s ee•s. ..., ,A A: go on a.r, .... despite the anathemas and ridicule of the 1,,,,,,.;,,,,,,; douni.ii, NTH- Cliii..‘, vii, in. hly 'I.:. is: I. Ths for:ilia: tured to assemble at Glasgow- l'his, at a respet t • tit distance from t rdoi,:, t: e :111......;tc; et::: ct. ty 1..1. ... 1 ....... i.:...-;. Iv. Mansitothouse sublintit le s, is the second giettiti teat use of the us•ek's ; eires' • ;119,de ■.2;:ot:',1c, \s .',.1*,',..-2. ., .. " I a , '.:::::•:;.:. IICIVS. The !Ilea of sch.m., imistcr,d strong, aii.,•.i ,,.11, anti di- :Irtic , -• Tho ,1*.l'os ‘": 19. 1. i'l :";.' , :1...". 0:1-0 ,-• coursed much. They harmlessly amused theinsek t-: at Itta,t, on,' , rttietor,‘ it: t.i■emt F.,-.;...,,,, ,e. , , probably did some ,good, in the wnS" or sPrc,l'iiiis, scientific 1:tion - ' 0. i' ...;`,' 1'1',‘•`,1t0 1,.111...'S '. 1 ledge, Of 110 great depth, among the middle eliss..s. It is not to ' lo ths es. to time, the s:als k‘' .. be expected that Wollilerial tlineuveries should In, 1 ro ;sure,1 tip for it 1 ,:o. C.0,.. Tit,. .\ lat).1,...1,101. 1111110111Wealellt 011 such1 orc.tsitais. Elltnto;11 (11.11 :1 ittOdie itoahlo:,.. smotmople art• 05 acti%01 elll.. to intellectual pursuits, is distinguished from mess 111010,v..!•,;•I tin •,.. ■11.11; 0111.10 I IT:Ity \WIT to he sl. should he paid; that men of the closet and men or ti„, „„,.hi si„,,,id . coot.,,,,,,,, ay, ,ii,i to ,,,,,.„, I., mingle agreeably together for a week ; and that a I' tu so sy or a , el".1".“ .1 ..e', l"-"'i lIl Ill 'Ire •\ ' lhoisenia, teight he seen hob-nobbing with the Provost or p,os- 1.10e in, It 0 net lo'llIliiicd 1" ly siping with the llailie's wife. , sis thousand neei ;me e,.......e,'.2. i The revolutionary movement in Spain has advanced so far and so successRdly, that it is doubtful whether the parties with whom it commeoced will be longer satisfied with the accomplishment of the objects first proposed. ID 09f POStSeript last Week NV17 ,ere to state, that the Queen Ite,ent had at to Fsissit- ssito's remonstrance, and appointed a nee,- Mihi.ory, whose V:CA'S were in accord:on:0 ith t110,::: of the Geoeral. s‘t the head of this list of 'Ministers was SA:seno, one of the members of the Cabinet organiziel be GONZALEs the day after the Barcelona insurrection. The letters containing the appoiotinents cf the principal Ministers were trensmitted ta them at Marls; I, and fell into the hands of the Provisional Goverment. 'ate Ministers elect were ordered into their presence, and directed to break the etils and communicate the contents. After deliberating on the re Tonsibilities which the acceptance of (Alice was likely to inneeo, they determined to decline the proposed appointmeies. This decision, it is stated, was taken at the instigation of the Junta, who were not satisfied with the new :Ministry, as Goss '.Ens, the leader of the .Madricl insurrection, was encleded from 'Cie windier. From this vireom- semee it was inferred that the cline .;e. of Ministers was tonrely a stroke of policy to gain time. 'Ilse Jo 1.1 published a desla- ration, stating that they had decided not to lay down arms until the wishes of the nation had been satisfied by guarantees which would render for ever any reaction impossible. This continue,1 hostile position of the Junta, and the refusal of the nets iv- appointed Ministers to take tellee, induced the Queen Roger.t to give full powers to ES1'ARTEn0 to form a Cabinet, and to bring about a recemeiliation with the hesirgents on any terms he plessed. General Ese2tniSa0 lms accepted the commission. and thus com- bined io his own person the chief civil as well as militory power of the state. It renmios to be sect whether the General's authority is sufficiently great to in.:Ewe the Provisional Government of Madrid to aceept the conditions he may drier; or whether that body, having tasted of power, may not be disposed to retain it as lung as they can. The Liberal party in Spaio is split into three di- visions : one of which supports the Constitutional views of Reform first urged by the Junta in their manifesto to the Queen,- the second goes somewhat further. and respires the deposition of the present Regsent, or a division of her authority : the third r arty are pure Republicans. With these tiifferints. 1:tells:as to conno..1 against, even ESPARTERO may now iind it a difficult matter Le re- store tranquillity to Spnin. A fresh element of discord is to arise out Cl' the (Lees- ture of the Junta Ire ti the in . • me-e I ii their first proeead:mss gsner of the 17th institnt publi:Ated tri t s issued on the 5:h. tor the arr,' i s.. MiM•ters s; • i
the adoption of the new Muni.Th ' of the
have already token refuge in Fr. thrc.2 :- stood to be in the Basque l':.
mimeo:eat there. The Quiets :les to es... e advisisl by some of her C01111i..... .:!:d. h. t -a 1...
country. and take the young Qs ..a wes hsr
their •• C■L'ape ITWIII..11
1:11111ln:a the respotisilidity of so Licsi•cr.tte a co:I.:Lt.:.