There Has Been Some Colifusion Created By A Similarity Among
the names eonne eted with .Lord Cardigan's proceediogs. It now appearl linkt there are two Captains of the 11.1.3'1101,1S iti the Eleventh lig:ears : one, Ili:total, .Iolin......
I, Ustri I. Pressi Th • 1.••■.:at. \ Eicov This
d • i tire ctlleirl T11, hi, it_lu a".1 • • , .r 171I! ti. • 0...• I 'Sit ie'.1t1") I 1. '. I or : h i i.1 • , . . , , bn .... ilk:, I. 11 .. " The plenipotentiary of the......
It Iron Toe :inters L'illimeilitm, Caloain L'ievelaa 1....
l'ro. ,s ,Ii t, ,,,,,,u, __ serpine, Captain flong;11, U.N., put into I:almontli 011 the io (mine; ot , - 1.1 ihe ,..,..,,i' ..1 .. , . , i',iii el : moo thi. a , i it......
The Pied-ollice Autlitui,ks To Ii!, And.
j'f or that he (Captado lii I i IAnthony- lieynoP.-) li:eleg at Brit:lit - int, pti.i. trammis..sien. • ( i enee of vindictive reproaches, or to re:: as many a mon. ur 3". it:t......
V Will
i. :!:,• y , • - • 17,, to 1•-•,.. ; tdi.• This is the s,.‘"or.1 si• Ifut tdtai tinutl•cr I: yu ar 'was 1, 0 :1:being tut exeess <••. r , these. titer: , were co:1'.: ... c:■•1......