There has been some colifusion created by a similarity among
the names eonneeted with .Lord Cardigan's proceediogs. It now appearl linkt there are two Captains of the 11.1.3'1101,1S iti the Eleventh lig:ears : one, Ili:total, .Iolin NVilliain !fey nolds, is the person whom Lord Cartlienn instilled about a hhiel". ini-hettle Mang put upon the ItHAS table ; the other, calitthi A mime), Richer:1 I teyttelde, is the person on whom a court-martial is to be held a Brightom The //era/e/ says that the two are brothers : this is positively denied hy several other papers. It is ulso mentioned that (Imptain John Willi:on Reynolds's friend, Mr. I farvey, is no relation to Captain Ilkirt Toehett, whom Lord Car- digan shot at Wimbledon the other day. captain Itieliard Anthony lteynolds, upou whom the Court-tnartial IS to he held, is charged with insubordinate conduct. 'Captain Itcycolds heard of' atone alighting mention made Of him by Lord Cardigan at A
public party; and on the 27th of August last he wrote the follouing letter of remonstrance.
" Brighton Ilarrarkg.I'7tIt Auzuit 18-10. " My Lord—A report has reached am, that on Toesdn.y last, at a large dinner given by your Lordship. when asked why the Captain r Reynolds were not present, your Lordship replied, As ion as I live they shall never enter OW house.' 1 cannot hut consider this report highly ohjcciimnibte, as it is calculated to convey at.i Impression prektilieial to my eharnewr ; and I thew- fore trust your Lordship will he good enough to authorize me to contradict it. I am, my Lord, your Lordship's obedient servant,
" Ittenano ANTDONY It " The Right 11 ii. the Earl of Cardigan."
enjoined Captain Ileynol(1s. I.) confine himself in hi.: avs
.conunatutilig•ollicer; atid I must be allowed to tell pair 1,01.1.1dp, the second letter set forth in the charge was written. We subjoin t,
favour Lord Cardigan, requests the ptiblic to withold their opinion on 12:ii!ed 111)11iiir.1 il•`■ I ;,Iiiong the with his commanding-oil:leer to strictly official liti.itiess : copy of the charge itself, its Which the letter is introduced. as the best re,nor, the Idionp:1".)- ca: la i v,d1ie or board. the account of the transaetiom The Brighton (7a:.-ttf,, v. 111(.11 Feellls tiShill,I I v i v 1il s 1.1,0i:•:.t 1 !!!,•'..I 4.••••., (•:.•a• ,..(, to the improper nature, end being thereupon ;iersonally ordered liy. the • dil Earl of , the case, and not to be misled. by ex parte sialeitt,mis, Tho black- nearel: .1 ets of Ii VC rp a I at;it :\ I r.a, it it the bottle case of Captain John 1Villiam Reynolds has, \Vc are informed by aaemettm the Brighton paper, been finally disposed of of It its liy privme N",•,S1.•], W1r.,01;!.
on the 28th or August 1840, wiitten and sent it Liter to Licuteitant -Colonel 1,, ti,l.„,,11.3021__ gallant fellow than yourself has dime, and. waive that rank vat: wr-1111.1 and earldom alone entitle you to hold. I am, my Lord, yoi:n client servant, Iticeimto ANTHONY ItEvNoLps. Ti tit- .111:I,t lieeiment of (Prince Alberts-) Hussars. very Iit es.:. ;.:' ' • iv.. t1ie pur- the Earl of Cardigan, or the -rule regiment, his emnalanilim,;-mlieer, 4if au, addressed to him by I'aptaiii R. A. Reynolds, should iiifuture he strie.tly iii h,r ivi a oh it anti disoliedience of said order by his commanding-0111,er, did ic: t h.. saw,. VIZ. the 2.4t11 .1olgitst 1840, write and address to the Earl or (sar,ligaii) a most disresticetitil, insulandirate, ,otien,ire.. awl salting letter, imputing to hint conduct calculated to dial to depart ri.•:11 th,
his duty as commandingodlicer, and which last-mem r
fessed duellist, foundeit on the having soot :Niajo,r.Lotkiiis to mt. -r sat: dr,••1.1 thin Forrest to .London to call out an attorney's clerk,. m- ri a 'coil id.• Ion;,F. p.
privately °tiering insult to inc, and then screening yarti.,,:elt! he el • .\ would far better hecome yon to select a man whose hands are untied for the ;„, • • ••. Cardigan, as his, to t effect that n11 t„
official, nevertheless, he, the ii Captain Is A. Iftim Hin direct iii II III Itr.,) . '
of yesterday stated to your lord,hip that a rs on el u duel tir. 11.
Lordship had spoken of mime in such a manner a.: I deemei ta•ejwin•Soi ie • toe; considering the 1ti in which I. :Lai placed, aml iu,11, •
most respectful manner rein. your 1.ordsliip to zi:low such report; and year lanalsIip having this niartibeg pt tin' 5 iSIas•.•1 Lordship, and more par; icab.rly ia such a inainicr as t i i dac it :esp... my conduct has been such as to exclude me front your hat the Earl or Cardigan, 15, _Brunswick Square, Brighl-on; tamlitet as
aforesaid being in the said Captain Ilielitied Anthony tinlaa•oming art officer tool a gentleman, prejudicial to the interests of the sti!iv,..rsive
of good order and military dir,ciplilie."
in nowise justified in spealsing of Inc at all at a ptil•l:e
assertions are calculated to injure me. Your Lordship's r .pmati,01 Fro.. a
to Mr. Brent, the miller of Canterbury. amt. your Lordship having t'
to give me any mistier; I must beg to tell your horikfiii., that alevillain I vi' u,
Brighton, Aug. 2. 1840. My 1.ord—Ilaving in ifly 1:1 ter to yoor ,,„
"Charge against Captain Itiehard Anthony Iteynottli,, of the Eleventh win> o'rie'iyli1 In it se,i g 1:•!• • r. w in It of The Earl of Cardiutm deelined malting any re; ly, and person:illy j'for that he (Captado lii I i IAnthony- lieynoP.-) li:eleg at Brit:lit-int, pti.i. trammis..sien. • ( i enee
The Earl of Cardigan anti Captain Douglas again mad their ap- pearance before the .Niagistrates at Wandsworth, on Saturd :
charge was brought a:...;.ainst them of " shooting at Captain Ifarvi•y Tuckett with a pistol, with intent to murder, or do him some
harm." The charge is laid under an act of the I,t Vtiloria. cap. 85, sec. 2, according to which the offence set forth in the charge is a ft..lony. This turn of the attar created sonm surprise in the eimrt. Evidene.a
lining been heard, the presiding lastistrate, that one of the accused being. a pcer of the realm, the Magi-tr;I:1.■ ,(2.1ree!y knew how to deal it ith m lit ease ; and its order to give ti am 1:or a pr ,::or legal opinion to be obtained, the Bench requi7e,1 the prisoners to inittir into the same recognizances under which they had in.t.lo their it a-„- pearance that day, no appear again on the 2Stli. Both the prison:1.s gave the required security.
On the black-bottle affair and Captain :John William Reynolds. Cap- tain Jones has written a letter for the newspapers, to this elfeet—'• l'he Earl of Cardigan never authorized me to use this. ,e-ds • pot-honse
dinner,' nor (lid I make use of them to Captain Ii ey mu ihl. Favern- dinner' were the words used both by his Lordship at11 niyself."