26 SEPTEMBER 1840, page 2

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. i tospedi:isii Of . • • t.• ,x‘si 1111, et's:nett is. ever, too insignificant to produce any impression against the Pasha's power in that country. Nothing certain is known of......

Ti7br Court.

Tit e Court hes t:. , to o k( n into gloom by the death of the Princess Augusta. i • ss was conveyed to Windsor Castle at a late hour on The Queen immediately retired to her......

'il E T Ee Isas Ill The L'arlialnentary Itegistration...

city aod 3letr()')editaii !foretells, cluring the past wt.:4c, hats riot se emelt Moe est. 'The lists of' the Liv(ety rrl' the City of 1-ondoll s. ere semplst(sl oil Saturday.......


duct in the dispute between the House of Commons and theSheriffso ie f London. All the members and officers of' the Court stood during th presentation. e The Chairman of time......