ti7br Court.
Tit e Court hes t:. , took( n into gloom by the death of the Princess
Augusta. i • ss was conveyed to Windsor Castle at a late hour on The Queen immediately retired to her room,
and se are d her spart meat the following day. The dinner-
parties :Suited to the visiters at the Castle awl the
Royal suite 1' v.\ !!. :et came to London on 1 liars-lay fromWind-
sor, by railway. :eel ii 6:1 of condolence to the Dutehess of Glou-
cester. Hs It, o I lielmess also visited the Queen Dowager, and the Dukes of SieseN :111f1 Canilirdlge. at Clarence House, St. James's. The Prince mere, te 'Windsor in the afternoon.
The Princess .Setelsta expired at seventeen minutes past nine o'clock last niebt. (Teeekly.sat Clarence House, St. James's; after a long and
very try in which her Royal Highness bore with the utmost patience and meekness Throughout the progress of her painful malady her Royal Highness exhibited the greatest resignation, fulfilling in the intervals of freeSom from seffering her religious and devotional duties. With the excel ti •m of at few h tars previous to her decease, the Princess retained her eonsed.iismos to ti e lest, or at least was easily roused to a state of conssieuseess and 'Irvin,: this painful trial her Royal Highness constantly nesinedec Ow ta!dai:Itity of temper which always character-
ized her. Th... 'if the Princess were attended by all the Royal Family in town, vie. the Queen Dowager, the Dutchess of Glou-
cester, the Prime ss the Duke of Sussex, and the Duke of Cam- bridge : mid a! ea by her Ii val ilishness's medical attendants, Sir Henry Halford and Mr. .Moere: together with the Reverend J. R. Wood. Chap- lain to her Majesty the Queen Dewager. All the Royal Family had been in anxi .us attendeuee on their relative front an early hour yester- day mornie e. remaining to the last by the bedside of her Royal High- ness. Ina.:::diately after the melancholy- event, the Duke of Sussex despatched am,: se...eds.), 1saitmel Sir A. Macdonald, to Windsor e.iiness to her Majesty. Information Ss; 1.1o. Matilda, at Broadstairs. Her • ad:.1 other members of the Royal from Clarence House at half' past ten ••. 2:).
at her seventy-second year, having been yr 17);.•. She was the sixth child and second Third tool Queen Charlotte. It is generally
Castle, to was also • Majesoe t!.s.
Famil(7 t
. - o C Her Ils.• _
barn on the -sh Not e, daughter --. I,.see: t
undesse... nee Se It iligheeo:s made a will previously to her Ill-
ness ceesse • Tee 1.•,"e of her property the Princess has lef: ti O..: • 4 Hanover and the Duke of Cam-
: • s leen divided as legacies among her
• whom, it is said, has been omitted. ass before her decease, sent tokens of f the Royal Family. Within a few all her domestics, who were much attach,: ;all a copy of her portrait, as the last ack n is • sie, make of their attentions, The
sweet :-'71on of her Royal highness, both in elditiSe :ler at all times a favourite with the various !!`.. ,y Family ; and during the unhappy dif- ferences s . . George the Fourth and Queen Caroline,
vim:: Ms P.:. to the King of Wirtemhurg, the
) to preside with his Majesty at the s Sept. 23.
• - privete property of the late Queen
• :• Seigesta for her life, and at her ..f the Princess Mary, now Dutchess • Se P..•11.-. Csthedral, which is only tolled on the Family or the Bishop of Lnndon, was Tee great hell of Westminster A hbey, • ,solitan siaurehes, were also tolled at Sl■sarls also, on Iresuntims guard, were of their proceediogs ital -a conduct el e.., Immediately on the demise of' liar e, most or the shops in the High et Windsor and Eton the closing of , of the different slotrehts, Fe ta tolling V We It: 'day the remains of her Roy el —eel shell.
: Psi:loess A egmita aecerd- el a sri sate " ; (,11 SUY..4:X
,.:“7 Lord Chellit,•:rluin, and Sir Offi,;(!, morning
" making all the macesssry
fh: haw: published, eon- . ass and for at geeerul mournisg; • e!t, Mo.:6y at Glom:ester !I., es, melaseeeog rep's.
,.f. ;sloe.' ,he Sehilliressfurst essiee„:•eu the Contieeot.
Selo st visit to her