The accounts from the clothing districts in the \Vest Riding
of York- shire, contaitte•d in the Leeds .111ert.ury of this day, represent the recent improvement itt trade to be fully supported. Iii the LeedS, mallet we are told. " 'Phere has been a bet lit dylitand for goods of tine and middle qualities this week than for some time past. This has been Mare tiartienlarly the case for wool-dyed black.,, rifle greens:, and suitor treaded (20101:VS, W1:;.....11 were nearly all taken out or the market on 'I'nesdav but for tile goods of COMIn011 colours, there continues to be but litile demand."
'The corn-barvest, which is now drawing to a close in the Northern counties, has made little progress during the present week, em•ing. to the damp and unsettled to ; and th5t seeonel crops of clover are suffer- ing. considerably flstwant of suitable Nveather to make then: into hay. There is yel enough of corn abroad to create anxiety, for the return of line weather, I ut not sufficient to endanger the character of the llae. vest.—.L.Leds iii', eury, Sept. 26.