26 SEPTEMBER 1840, Page 11


Arrived -At Gravesend, Sept. 25111, K. S. Forhes, Vell, from lien..nal PriesleYt altal Agra, Mearo,, from ; Zeph■r. Taylor ; lAvely, Martin ; anal

coquelie, trona the Cape. At I h,11, 2.1t1,, Charles Ileurtley. 1L■pper. Cey- km, At Liverpool, 22il. JoJcph NVinter. Hodson, from Mauritin:. Off ditto, 2;101, Kirkman Finlay, from Bonita:ay. I al the Clyde, 214, Elora.111air, canna Boanhav. Al Slid Gape. July 9t11, Presider. Keith, from Liverpool. At the Mauritius, Jun:, 1111i, Jane, Langley; and Boyne. IIi,Iaarl ii, rElP11 1.1.311110t1; anal Repulse, --, from Bengal. - From (IraNeAtql.i. St.pi . Loth, Earl Balearras, Vans, for Itotul.ay ; mid Henry Davialsoo, Denald. fin. Bengal. Prom I.iverpool, 19th, British Mercla oat, Birnie; and Graaia, Ogilvy, for lloothaty.