THE " PlIF011 Thoughts" of LovErr and Cor.Eris are more cre- ditable and more likely to do good than the book so called com- posed by a noted cl:niefd delinquent. A little book has just been published, entitled " Chartism ; a new Organization of the People, embraci:og a pion far the Educotion and linpr: >ye:tient of the People politically and socially," and purporting to have lain written in Warwick.. Gaol, by " Wn.r.uot Lovrrr, cabinet-maker, and JonN Corrt Ns, tool-maker." It is on manv accomits at valuable pub- lication. The genc,,a turn of thoug,ht, and the works quoted in the foot-notes, show the influences under which the iotellects of the more reflecting and better portion of 11.e unenfr:mchised classes are strugglimg to develop and streneola. •' •oe-elves : the book is theretbre valuable as a guide to the a• creeds of the operatives. The plan proposed •, e I as a whole,
and neatly and higenionsly worked oLt :As : it therefore deserves a trial at the hands of the (.'; : The :within s pro- pose the finamation of a society to be a: !a aztaieral board, the members of which shall be clecte.: county con- taining .500 members of the Associati.:n, ea!
containing double that number or more.
ciation are to be—the croction of public had:- .
out the kingdom, to be used during the 11 high school s, and of an evening, for put 11c loo ..1 and
cussions, musical entertainments, dancing.. 21:
ratienal reorentions: to establish normol ach
towns or di.oriet.= as be found necesiatery ; tata a, a • t uraI and Indust-ilia schools f•-ca the education ood iofant
• children ot the A FS‘wiatt,)11: to establi.di u a . consist-
ing of from at Imielrod to t o hundred volta:,. libraries to van! as much as possibk from each oth,]. tion tcom one town or village in the dis;r:, t . the :.:e mean'S for a. the working 111:.:t to a very • C.- s:itutien of'
• :!,rooehout
...Z• ON, S•
(;.t. tracts and appoint missionaries for
views of the .-1s:---ciation and to (1,:-.a.s,•
raising the neeess:Iry finds. We a -
classes are in a condition to considerable extent. Mr. C07■1111:6 3lanat,t II Ilkal■Schohl book amorg ou.r - the country. In _Manchester, the are founded upon views and nr:pciplos in " Chartism." The experiment of
has been saiecessfally tried in Cu
a Workitio,--Man's .ssociation carritol • a
winters the locturing part of the , ' have eya been prepmirg r.• ::.
useful working- out the Tho cation en 1 imnrovement " t-f draw]] H -ay. tilt dat tan o-f :
' thore !I or the el.e:s to
who tht-ir prer.•• •• • -; • • l•••••••••• to enalalc tla, :• be to the wo..-kin,:-.".•-•-•.›
ena.1 r....",aaaas Nacre to t!!c ta••!. :a -t"ao
i'!,•••1!",‘ • 1. thear. :
iy:aaoa•talicc .:s aaalca, 1 al!
:a. I: is •• al- f:.aaaclaiseati a! to t• p• aa. ta•--- Ye.: a! all a.:'.ac 1:s TI:e• l'aa:a•tists
aa. an I Ca. a!, will : "••••: