26 SEPTEMBER 1840, Page 17


TPAVEt.,4, Rettioll and Education in America: with Notices of the State and Prospects of Atm,lean Unitarianism, Pi.pery, nod African Colokization. By John Dintmore Loog. 1).1)., ;Ste. Sze. :Sze Ward. Firruen. The Ciaatlestine ISlarriage, an.l the Bistellf. By Ellen Wallace. In 3 vols—Bentley. Ihsmitv, ry of the Boman Empire, from lite Accession of Augustus to the end of the ielotpit e 1.1* the Wet. By Thomas Keight:ey, Au hut-ni"M thology or Greece mid Ellwood," Ste. Stc Longman and Cu.