At a meeting of the Provincial Grand lodge of Durham,
held at the Phtenix Ilan, :Sunderland, on the Sth instant. an address of condolence was unanimously voted to the Countess of Durham, on the demise of her lamented Lord, the Provincial Grand Master.—Sunder/and Liera/d.
The Ccumess of Durham and her family returned from Howick to Lambton Castle on Wednesday last. They will set out for London about the latter end of next week.—Durform Chronicle.
The Reverend W. Brieknell, of Worcester College, Oxford, has been elected by the Town-Council one of the four Corporation lecturers, vacant by the resignation of the Warden of Wadhain College. These L'eture- ships are if considerable value, in consequence of the greatly-improved property ire :n which the stipend is derived.
The atonal meeting of the Hertfordshire Agricultural Association took place at Hertford on Wednesday, and was followed by a dinner at the Shire Hall. The dinner was preceded by a ploughing-match. Upwards of forty pleughs were entered and contended for the various prizes. The stock exhibited fell short of the expectations of the Association, in con- sequence nf the epidemic new prevailing amonest the cattle. At the dinner, Earl Cowper presided supported by Lord Grimston, M.P., Sir Minto Forquhar, Bart., C. G. Thornton, S. Thornton, C. Phillips, G. D. Brisanquet, R. Deering, G. Lewis, Esqrs., and many other gentle- men of imluence in the county. About two hundred sat down to dinner.
The harvest in the neighbourhood of' Aberystwith is getting on with great rapidity. The weather, upon the whole, has been favourable; the greatsr part of the corn haviog teen cut, and the farmer being now busily einployed in carrying it home. The crop is more productive than has Leon known here for many years.—Sabon'on Journal.
The Hen:ford Musical Festiva! termieated on Saturday last. The collections :or the charity have surpassel ell former years ; the sum received in 1 -34 was 676/. 10s. Gr/. ; in le•O7, 8131. 10s. ad.; and in the present r, l,I,',i/. 17.s. ad.
In the l•.teroal /etween the perf•s•rnaeces et the Birmingham Musical Festive; ••,.. 'near:ay, Mr. U. j. mcentled in his balleon from the Crow:: 1. • Or, this lerasi: i.•• ••male: ieto play his new valve, by nionesit 'eh a:I the o :s ereetted to escape almost in-
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died in the London Hospital on Wednesday evening, from the injuries he had received. Mason, the other sufferer, has almost quite recovered, and will be examined as a witness at the Coroner's inque-t. Mr. Stephens, a confectioner at Southampton, was suffocated last week by descending into his ice-house, which is twenty feet below the surface, before the noxious gas, which It d accumulated, had been expelled.