c n s.
The 211':ening .11igabrsCourt spy at Windsor has recently been giving to the world a great deal of what either occurs or is imagined to occur within the walls of the Castle. It had previously been announced that the Queen and Prince Albert practise etching, and that Mr. Ilayter is appointed instructor of her Majesty and the Prince in that fascinating art. The progress made by the royal papils is thus recorded on the authority of the neeahrs correspondent- " The recent etehinas exLicnted by her Maj,:sty show a manifest improvement when compared with her abijesty's earlier efforts. The Pcince, too, who has be, n receiving leskins from Mr. Ilayter lbr Mlle time past, has made consider- able progruss at the amt; and several excellent specimens are now preser,ed in her Majesty's scrap-hook, which is of a most elegant and costly description. On the cover the Royal arms are heautilidly emblazoned; and beneath is thus fiihhowitig inscript ion—‘ Etchings, IS40, Victoria Lind Albert.' Upon the plates executed by her Majesty is the Royal artist's autograph, thus= Victoria, fella ;' and mien these executed by his Royal Highness the following appears- ' Albert, fecii.' Some of the etchings have been executed jointly by her Ma- jesty and her itlettrious consort: these plates are tlms distiuguished- Victoria and Ailment, 140.'"
Shortly after Oxford's attempt to shoot the Queen, a gentleman named Mapother inaae inquiries at Buckingham Palace ; and he also expressed a strong desire to see the Queen, to apologize for some imaginary affront which he had put upon her Majesty. It was of course, discovered that he was insatte; his friends were :informed of what had passed ; and they lodged Jilin in Dr. Burrowes's asylum. Within these few days, however, he escaped and made his appearance at Windsor Castle. He was repulsed by some of the Household, Who recognized him; but at last he contrived to send in a memorial requesting an interview with the (peen. At length his friends secured him, and restored hint to Dr. Burrowes's keeping.
The Globe relates the following anecdote connected with the birth of the Prineess Augusta. " Amidst the usual reception of the public to Royal cake mid candle on Sunday the lath November, is curious inci- dent oceurrisl at the Palace. Two young ladies, having drunk plenti- folly au:et:Ile, were detected in carrying off a large quantity of cake !tea sone: of the cups in which the candle had been served. They were ;kilo :Ned, 11,/witver, to escape with a severe reprimand, after begging peedon On their kliees fig so disgraceful an act."
Dr. Shuttleworth, the new bishop, is a native of Preston, and was educated at the Corporation Grammar School there.