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• ,1,... their,- - by only kisking .o obey,: lila con- The coming of age of Lord Napier, eldest son of the late Lord Na. pier, Chief Commissioner at Canton, was celebrated at Thirlestane Selkirkshire, and other estates of the family, on Tuesday last. Mr! Priogle, M.P., of Whythank, presided at the public dinner which took place on the occasion.
In :answer to the memorial of the Provost and Town-Council of Aber- deen, the Lords of the Treasury state that it is not in their power to extend the railway survey to that city ; the Commissiouers being limited to the competing lines leading northwards to Edinburgh and
lasgow. •
1.'he ("Groat .lumwerl contains an fleemult of a severe storm which i:sited the Orkney Islands and the North of Scotland on the night of the 10th. Great damage had been done on shore, at Lerwick, Kirkwall, and several other places; but the chief sufferers were the fishermen. Several boats were missing. One did not return till the evening of' the lath, having been driven nearly to the coast of Norway, It is supposel that many have been lost at sea.
The weather of the past week has been unsettled and irregular in the extreme; fund in consequence harvest operations have been gsesroirriatalve retarded. Front the night of Tuesday the 15th up to this, the 24th tit September, there have scarcely been twenty-four hours of' continuously good weather. Heavy rains and cold winds from the North-east, and oceasionaily from the West, have prevailed. Few fields of average crop are in au erect position ; and many, from tint frequent shiftin whets, are twirled and straw-broken. With the exception of oatsuciiniltthee moors of rift!, and the inferior portions of spring-wheat, every field is ripe, and wants only the return of favourable weather to fall before the reaper. The late oats and spring-wheats are ripening badly ; and, if the weather does not soon break up to be dry and warm, these of very little value. With the exception of Saturday, there has not been II day sleet: -air last which permitted a single stook to be brought to the barn•yard. Reaping, however, lots been persevered in noire or less; and the fields are now suulded with innumerable and lusty stooks, fully more than the half of the grain crops having fallen to the sickle.—Fife //ca t4/, Sept. 24.
A few days ago, the daughter of a respectable farmer in East Lothian was induced by one of her father's shearers, a disreputable character, whim lots already been twice convicted of theft, to elope with him. Before leaving- the house, he broke open a strong chest behooring to her father, in which was contained. bank-receipts to the amount or 234/., and cash to the amount of' 12/. In the course of' a few hours, de? Police succeeded in discovering the fellow and his unhappy- dup.:. in a low lodging-house in the Nungate, I faddingtoto where they had just arrived. The money was recovered, with the exception of about am., with which the male prisoner had purchased a second-hand cult of el,thes; and the next day the hank-receipts were found in a field near the scene of the elopement. Both parties have been committed fur trial.—Coledonian Mercury.