The trial of Madame Laffarge has terminated, though not so
tragi, calls' as was announced in the French papers received on Saturday last, It appears that after the report of M. Orfila, which declared that arsenic had been found in the body of M. Laffarge, the prisoner became sue- denly unwell; which gave rise to the rumour that she had swallowed poison. The trial was postponed in consequence of her illness; but on the 17th she was considered sufficiently recovered to be again brcught into Court. She appeared exceedingly ill, but was calm and collected During the morning, however, an adjournment of some hours took place till evening, in consequence of her not being able to bear the fistigne. M. Paillet then commenced her defence. Ile told the history of her life ; and quoted letters front the Marquis of Mornay, Deputy of the Oise, and son-in-law of Marshul Soult—from the Viscountess :Nfontesquiett, the Countess de Valence, mother-in-law of Marshal Gerard—from Marshal Gerard himself, and other letters from persons of distinction—to establish the morality and uniform good conduct of .Madame Laffarge front childhood upwards. On the 18th, M. Pullet concluded his address ; 'winding up with the following peroration-
" Hasten to restore to the care and tenderness of her family what the slow egonies of prisou have left of this young woman, once so brilliant, once so en- canine, nisi now reLlOcCd to that sad state which ought to render her an object of grief ;And pity event to her elleinie3. Courage: however ; courage, poor Marie! I hope that Providence, who has so miraculously sustained you during these long trials, will not abandon you. No! You will live for ymur Cannily, wins love you so much ; for your numerous friends; yoti will live for your eltulges themselves ; you mill live as a glorious testimony of buman jUstice when it is coo tided to pure hands, to enlightened minds, and to tender and compassionate souls."
The address of' M. Paillet produced, according to the French penny- a-litser, the " most intense sensation" among the auditory. Atter fear.. ing, the hall, :Sladame Laffarge, on arriving at her cell, wrote to M. Paillet the fidlowing note, in a trembling hand—" My noble saviour, I send you \Avg I have most precious in the world, the cross of the Legion of Honour of my father."
Oa the following morning, Melanie Laffarge was brought into court in stn arm-ehair. Before the President summed up, she exclaimed,
" Oh, I attn in 1 I swear to you, gentlemen, that I am innocent!" The President went through the whole of the evidence, both for the pro- sectillun 7,ita ine Cieceneeovith the greatest minuteness. Tine Jury then, retired to deliberate on theic verdict. They, were absent three-quarters of an hour, and returned into court at nitse o'clock. " At this time the court wore a floozny appearanc,?, being lighted only by a few candk,s, which were Bickering in the wind. As the Jury entered, the most anxious feeling was evinced by the audience, and their countenances were scratinized as if their verdict was to be read there before they speak. The Foreman, in a voice tremulous with emotions, deli- vered the verdict of the Jury, finding Marie Fortunele Capelle, widow of Charles Joseph Poneh Laffarge, " Goikty, with extenuating dam. 4,Inces," This announcement produced " a sad and deep inqnsesion
m the essemtly, followed by a solemn silence."
The President ordered the gensdarmes to bring the prisoner into court to receive sentence; but it was announced that she was in a swoon. The eminstl fey _Madame I,effaree urged the President not to require her to he brotiOn- into court iosensil;e, but to pass judgment in her els:el:CC. T!.'2. President consented, and condemned Madame Lai- her;,, to linn" Is:merlin' life and exposure in the pillory.
A hetes free! Tulle, dated Sunday morning, half-past nine o'clock, says--" The ht.,;.!i,trtry went to the gaol at lonif-p-J eleven last night, to re:;! to :Jsol.nee. Laffarge the jtaktntent rendered by the Court; bat WO are ;is mred Co..1 sine was totally incapable of' heisting it. She is in an
alarnileg ten:el:ion. The 11■21'Vf:11:i alfeeti011 to which she has cote:I:Indy
hr err a prsy agoravated by other symptoms, as hypertroptia &e. itch it de„rce that her death may be expected very shortly. I fur teetreel are t‘reparing an tim'eal to the Court of Cvssa- and it is behoved that it limy be well greonded on scone in regula. rities in the proce hogs, The requisitory of the Advoeate-Ileneral tool the jolgment of the Court 15"(.1'0 nentle known to lier this morning.
1.f-sinews will leave us this evening Poris."
1 he trial lnttitceoi d the more interest front the relation- ship of 'Madame Laffarge—grandaughter of :Umlaute de Genlis—to Loeis