A telegraphic despatch dated Algiers, September lath, mentions a victory -
gsined by the French over the troops of A lill.el-Kader, at Setif: The Arab troops had abaudoned the Medjana. The province of Algiers was tranquil. A letter from Bologna, dated the 10th instant, says—" Accounts front Ancona inform its that some disturbances have occurred in that town. A. French vessel having recently arrived there, the inhabitants were in some agitation, thinking it was a brig of war ; but it was soon ascertained to be only a trading-vessel from 'Marseilles, conic for a cargo of corn. The young men of Ancona were very tumultuous, and met numorously
in the public square and near the port. On the Oth instant they net more numerously than usual, mind the Gendarmes were ordered to disperse
them. The crowd refused to obey the summons ; amid the carabineer who made the summons was killed, and several persons were wounded on both sides. Twenty of the rioters were arrested, and an order was issued prohibiting all meeungs- in the streets of more than four persons. When the aeconts left, great agitation still prevailed. It was said that there were symptoms of ferment in other countries of the Marches. The Cardinal Legate Macelti left Bologna yesterday ; his departure Las given rise to many conjectures." The Courrier de Lyons gives the following account of a conspiracy in Sardinia. " The Sardinian Government having a short time since col- lected about t ace hundred malefactors and delinquents in its continen-
tal states, rosined them into a body and sent them to A Ighiero, in Sar- dinia, to work upon the roads, under the guard of a cbrps of five hun- dred men, ecouposed of soldiers who themselves hal punishment for breaches of diseipliae still to undergo. The prisoners and their guards soon came to an understanding, and formed a plot for plunderiag Al- ghiero, massacreing the 1,500 inhabitants, and then making their es- cape at sea on hoard vessel's and boats, Which they secretly hired for the purpose. This censpiracy was acciantelly discovered by a mer-
chant, who, wanting to ship some goods, found that all the vessels were engaged to be ready to sail on the same evening. On this being made known to General d'Asserta, the commandant, the eaptaias were sum- moned and examined, and the plot thereby detected. Time tletme:-.11 sent for troops front every poiet of the island, and in time "eel of the
pounced upon the whole eight Int:eh-ea, and secure s1 thew. Ile imme- diately shot twelve in the presence of their associates ; but fearing to take upon himself the responsibility of executing any name, sent oti an express to the King, with a report of what had takes i.iec. his Ma- jesty despatched one of his aides-de-canp to the General, highly ap-
proving of his conduct, and conferring upon linn the title of Governor- General of the island, with a high rank in the order el the Annunciadm The malefactors have since been divided into small brigades, and scat- tered over diffe.ent parts of the island."
According to letters from the frontiers of Turkey, of the 2d instant, an insurrection which had broken out at Serajewo, in Bosnia, had been appeased, and the town occupied by the Arnatos. The Vizier had killed with his own hand the chief of the rebels ; ight or ten ef the principal ioliallitants had been decapitated, and numhers of tilt insur- gents had sought refuge in the lierzegowina, in the mountains, or on the territoey of It igio a. The thllowing is an extract of a letter received at Lloyd's from their teem at Comitantinople, dated August 26th. " The Neapolitan brig Cameezione Camtee, from Castellanntre to this port, wes attacked by pirates near Alexander Irvat, on the nipht of the 21st instant. The master and mate were killed, and two Of 1110 crew severely wounded. Some rigging. a little motley, and some clothes, Wert! taken away by thou."
The Gazelle du mai of the 16111, the Legitimist organ in Marseilles, states that it h is received a commercial letter from Damascus, dated
17th August, announches that the English had taken possessioo of Kam-el-Frammk, a town situated only three leagues from Bassos:1, and beIon :Mg to the Pashalk Of BagaZIII The assertion has not been con- firmed through any other ehattnel.
The Dm:Sais publishes the finnan of Mehemet Ali yards) ling the Jews implicated ill the I htmasetis affair. The ii noeror of Rossi t has left St. Petersburg to inspect his army in Bessarabia and the 11 ussian ports in the BMA Sea. The Russian Funds begin to sink, notwithstanding the ease of dm censorship in ex- punging .very offensive or OVIA,W;Irlike article. The //mower Gazette states that the voided mm hich might have pre• seated dangerous tymplon s after the operation on the Prince Royal has passed over happily, and that his Royal Ilighness is as well as eau be ex 'meted. According to the anoloary Corresmenhami, the Oahe of Cambridge is shortly expected mo I hoover, on a visit or .iev oral .o,ls to th.. King.
Count Wedel l'ark'emg, the (lreat tt,.vcrior of Norway. whose name has been intimately iosoct ited with the annals of that country and its regeneration, died am Wisbaden on the 2; th of Alotost. was born
at Montpelier in 177:1; and edine to England in 179.s, where he adopted
those al and CIlligliM:ed VICW:;tmr Wilit'll 110 \\ A11 cc- had hetm reecivetl in the Unicc,1 ;:t.itos, mm 111,‘ ,iAle of the
deletvinrt: of the President, from Canton to mho 11th ml Aril. month oldi,r than the intelligenee retteivcd in London. One ed,1 eiretims!ane,• is vientioned: " A great sensati llll is said to have bt b■ the Priest of dm IS watigin Temide having prodte e I an eesmm Inch he said haul been laid by a coils I 'I his was looked upon as it most unfavour- able omen, and had produced great consternation."
An odd thing has happened to Seguin, the opera-singer : he has been created an Indian Chief by the Lorette savages near Quebec, by the name of " Wachnn \Yacht]," signifising "the Great Diver (a bird of passage) with a strong voice." The changes made in the postage-rates by the British Government have drawn the attention of the Americans. An agent WIIS sent to England to watch the operation of the change; and he remained fourteen months ; after which he returned with imfflirmation for the Postmaster to lay before Congress. It is reinarlsed, that the Post-office of New York, with the exception of those of London and Paris, despatches more business and with greater exactness and promptitude than any other in the world. The existence of' the franking privilege is a subject of repeated complaiut.