The second ballot for the vacancy in the Department of
the Maine-et-Loire is to take place to-morrow,—not last Sunday, as was wrongly stated,—and the Republicans are very san- guine of success, notwithstanding the fact that the Imperialist organs encourage the voters who supported M. Berger a fort- night ago now to give their votes for the candidate of the Septennate, M. Bruaa. Undoubtedly, if all the sup- porters of M. Berger accede to this suggestion, the chances of the Republican will be small. But that is not likely. Indeed, just at the moment when the Imperialists are con- temptuously offering aid to the Septennalists, the Orleanist journal, called the Journal de Paris, has suddenly revived the old feud between the Orleanists and the Empire, by publishing the Due d'Aumale's bitter and cutting reply to Prince Napoleon's attack on the Orleans Princes, a reply written in 1861. That reply was by no means limited to a sally against Prince Jerome, but is an unmerciful criticism on the whole Imperial family and regime, all its surroundings and all its mercenaries. Such a republication seems to put any very cordial alliance between the Septennalists and the Napoleonic faction for the present out of the question, so that we have great hopes that M. Male's return may be regarded as morally certain.