The Coroner's Inquest On The Norwich, Or Rather The Thorpe
railway accident has ended in a verdict of manslaughter against both the night-inspector, Mr. Cooper, and the telegraph-clerk, Mr. Robson. That verdict was, indeed, inevitable,......
We Regret To Hear That Mr. Disraeli's Visit To Ireland
has been postponed, and we still more regret the cause,—a sharp attack of bronchitis, caught during his visit to Scotland, which has led his physician to forbid his making any......
The Only Important Rumours Of The Week Have Concerned The
relations of Russia to Germany and Denmark. The Tagespresse, of Vienna—which has been already contradicted from Copenhagen, where the rumour of any proposal to merge Denmark in......
We Notice Elsewhere Lord Dufferin's Very Remarkable...
a speech distinguished not only by an eloquence of singular brilliancy and compass, but by the racy good-sense of its statesmanship, its humour both subtle and homely, and its......
News Of The Week.
T HE newspapers have continued to appear during the week, but they have not contained news, unless letters on Indian Archmo- logy, the reports of meetings of Associated Chambers......