We Are Assured By A Letter] In Monday's Times That
a large school of 150 boys has been officially inspected, under the Con- joint Universities' Scheme, for no larger a sum than £37,—i.e., at a cost of about 5s. a head,—and we......
The Pall Mall Gazette Of Wednesday Evening Publishes An...
but not, we venture to think, quite well founded or reasoned, attack on the financial administration of New Zealand, by a gentleman who has been for the last six years resi-......
As We Ventured To Anticipate Some Weeks Ago, It Is
now obvious that both the Castalia ' and the ' Bessemer ' will be too late, even if they succeed, to save any considerable num- ber of the tourists of the present season from......
Sir Stafford Northcote Made A Sensible Speech On...
distributing the prizes of the Devon County School. He enlarged on the difficulty of doing any good in a work like education by mere legislation, without the active help of......
A Correspondent Of More Than One Of The Morning Papers,
Mr. E. F. Flower, has been descanting with great force and good- sense on the absurdity of bearing-reins, a part of the harness which has no effect on the horse except an......
On Wednesday, Mr. E. W. Pugin Was Convicted By A
jury—who found their verdict after deliberating for two minutes in the box —of a series of "false, scandalous, and malicious" libels on the character of a man whose name is not......
The New Charges Against Mr. Beecher Brought By The Last
snail from New York are still more revolting than any of which we had as yet heard, and the details of some of them at least, —especially those which accuse him of silencing Mr.......
There Has Been A Controversy Going On For Some Time
whether the Alpine flower Edelweiss grows exclusively in " dangerous " places. We ourselves can settle it, because the present writer is not an Alpine Clubinan, and never went-......