[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] note that no one
more qualified to speak of stag hunting has written about the point made in a letter on this subject by Mr. J. B. Paget in your issue of March 23rd, and I therefore venture, as an enthusiastic follower of the Devon and Somerset many years ago, to comment on it.
Mr. Paget notes that he has seen the carted stag when ahead of hounds stop to nibble grass and drink, " which shows that it is not frightened."
If Mr.. Paget accepts this as evidence that the stag is not frightened,' I can assure him that I have more than once seen the hunted stag on Exmoor stop to nibble grass. No doubt many followers of the hunt can recall similar incidents : I have a recollection that I have seen the incident photographed in a cinematic show which was taken of the Devon and Somerset, but I cannot confirm this.---I am, Sir, &c.,
. M. F. HEa.m.Au.
21 Oxford Square, W. 2.