Rabbits And Traps—some Experiences [to The Editor Of The...
Sin, -Five years ago we built a small house in the West of England, and planned the usual garden and orchard. The land was bounded on two sides by old hedges honeycombed with......
[to The Editorf 0, — Spectator.] Sum,--it Is- Good News
to many of us that the Spectator is directing attention to the fouling of pavements by dogs as " a nuisance which should not be tolerated in any civilized eduntry." • The......
Dogs In London [to The Editor Of The Spectator.] Sin,—in
your recent annotation on the fouling of .the footway by dogs there is a slight confusion in the wording which does not make clear the actual positions in the City of......
New Verse Forms [to The Editor Of The Spectator.] Sra,
- After reading A. H. A.'s article on new verse forms in your issue of February 16th, in which he explains the Rhymbel and her kindred, I spent an idle half-hour experimenting......