Peacemaker An]) Diplomatist. Was There A Danger Of Some...
financial scheme for, fire nation's good being - frustrated because of - frict ion between those who should be working in harmony ? Time and again was Lord Revelstoke the means......
A High Purpose.
It was my privilege as a very young journalist to enjoy the friendship of the late Lord Revelstoke when he was still the Hon. John Baring and not long after he entered actively......
A Strong Nature.
• Possessed with very high ideals, it is probable that under almost any conditions Lord Revelstoke would have become a great figure in the financial world. Personally, ,however,......
Finance—public And Private
The Late Lord Revelstoke Tim occasion has never arisen before—and I doubt if it will again—when my weekly financial article has taken the form of an obituary notice. With the......
A Judge Of Men.
His knowledge of men and of affairs in the City was unique. He loved the - City and all that it stood for and there were few men who occupied any position at all in the City......
A Great, Personality.
Doubtless the suddenness of Lord Revelstoke's passing, at a moment when he was performing arduous services for the country, has accentuated the feelings of grief and expressions......
The Final Call.
Some days before the announcement was made of Lord Revelstoke's appointment as British representative at the Reparations Conference together with Sir Josiah Stamp, he told me—as......