His knowledge of men and of affairs in the City was unique. He loved the -City and all that it stood for and there were few men who occupied any position at all in the City whose gauge Lord Revelstoke had not got to perfection. Moreover, his judgments were never of the super-critical and still less of the cynical order. Taking life and its responsibilities, as he did, very seriously, his judgment upon Isis City confreres was usually based not so much upon their actual ability, though he was quick to recognize that, as upon their conception of all that business ideals meant. His devotion to those who in difficult times have been called upon ti) shape the policy of the Central Banking Institution of the country was profound, and, though he always worked behind the scenes, there are few men who have done more during the War and post-War period to strengthen the hands of all who were working for sound currency and sound finance than the late Lord Revelstoke. . -