27 APRIL 1929, Page 19


Fortified with the cheque for £1,000 which we have just received from the Prince of. Wales, may we take adVantage of the sympathy and interest you have shown in our cause to bring it afresh before your readers.? Our excuse, if excuse be needed, must be that we still lack 140,000 of the £50,000 we need in order to put our movement on a sound and per- manent. basis. The • National Association -of Boys' Clubs was formed in-.1925. Within a year of its formation there

were 297 clubs under its auspices. At the end of the second year the number had grown to 493. In March 1928 it was 765. These facts speak for themselves. Up to the present the expenses of the Association have been borne mainly by a few public-spirited individuals. Obviously this cannot go on for ever. As becomes a national institution, with national influence, the Association must have national support. Donations should be sent to the Honorary Treasurer, National Association of Boys' Clubs, 27 Bedford Square, London, W.C. They will be gladly received and promptly acknow- ledged.—Liomm. F. Ems and Rox_tro CAMPBELL, Honorary Secretaries.