27 APRIL 1929, Page 19


I suggest that before Mr. Baldwin and Mr. Churchill go to the country with criticisms of Mr. Snowden, they should pluck up courage and make a formal request to the American Government to demand in its turn from the eight defaulting Southern States of America repayment of £62,000,000 principal and interest. This debt has been owing to our people for sixty years, and the debtor States are now rolling in wealth, but apparently have no intention of ever paying although the validity of the claim is admitted by every decent American.— FREDERICK E. COE, Morval House, Staines Road, Twickenham, S.W.

[We print this letter so that our American friends may see one of the lines of argument which is pursued in this country when the question of Great Britain's indebtedness to the United States is discussed • on many occasions the question of the default of the Southern States has been dealt with by both American and British correspondents.—En. Spectator.]