Peace in Industry The Conference between the two employers' societies
(the National Confederation of Employers' Organizations and the Federation of British Industries) and the General Council of the Trades Union Congress decided on Tuesday to set up a Joint Committee which will report to a further Conference. The Labour correspondent of the Manchester Guardian says, first, that the General Council came away convinced that the employers were sincere, and secondly, that the employers were much more influenced by the speeches of the Trade Unionists than they had expected to be. The employers explained, according to plan, the constitutional difficulties which stood in the way of organized joint action. The Confederation concerns itself with labour matters, but the Federation is mainly a commercial body and includes organizations which are definitely precluded by their articles from dealing with labour matters. The employers also pointed out that the Conciliation Boards proposed by the Melchett-Turner Conference might clash with the conciliation machinery long established and successfully. working in many industries. * * * *