General Knowledge Questions
OUR weekly prize of one guinea for the best thirteen Questions submitted is awarded this week to F. K. Fell, Holy Trinity Vicarage, Whitehaven, for the following :- Questions on the Iliad
1. Name the Olympians whom Diomed wounded.
2. " Interclutn donnitat Homerus." Give an instance.
3. Who of the Gods was hated most by Jove, and why ?
4. Who lured Hector to his death, and in what guise ?
5. Whose spirit returned after death, and to whom ? 6. What was the crowning offering to the " manes " of Patroclus ?
7. By whom was the corpse of Hector preserved from harm ? 8. Who was first and who last in Patroclus' funeral chariot race ?
9. Who was the best Greek archer ? When did he miss his aim ?
10. Name the man whom Juno says the Gods loved most, and his wife and son.
11. Where did Iris, commissioned by Jove, find Thetis ? 12. For what sign of favour did Priam beseech Jove, and at whose request 13. By whose, example did Achilles constrain Priam in his grief to take food ?
Answers will be found on page 671