Crossley Mcitort have just - decided to fit one-shot chassis lubrication
and safety glass all round at an extra charge of £12 10s. to their 15.7 h.p. eoachbuilt saloon de luxe: Both additions are well worth having. The 15.7 h.p. chassis has a six- cylinder engine of 65 and 100 m.m. bore and stroke which make if of just under 2 litres capacity. I-like this model of Crossley. The mechanisni is generally neatly arranged and affords a very fair measure of accessibility, while the saloons perform well on the road. There are four forward speeds which are changed by an offside lever and six brakeX are supplied..-Vhe 'Suspension is half-elliptical. The cars have satisfactory acceleration powers and are free from undesirable yibration.and noise. As I know froth trial the clutch-and change-speed work properly, while the steering, which has a useful width of lock, is light yet firm in action. The braking is good; although I prefer rather sharper deceleration force towards the .end of the .application range than was available on the car tested, and the suspension was unusually effective. TheCafs are well Untied out. The saloons will do about thirty, -forty-five and sixty milesan hour on second, third, and top. YotieL MoToRING CORritSPONDENT.